We are committed to high quality, timely electronic reporting to our shareholders.
If you are a Rathbone Brothers Plc shareholder you can now choose to receive information such as the annual Report and Accounts and notices of general meetings online, and be notified by our registrars, Equiniti Limited, when such shareholder communications become available for viewing and downloading from this website. This notification can either be made by post or by email. If you would like to receive notification of the availability of documents on this website, please register and log on to Equiniti’s Shareview service at www.shareview.co.uk
Here you will be able to:
- indicate your mailing preference (post or email) for notifications that shareholder communications are available on this website;
- access relevant share register data including recent share movements and dividend details;
- send your proxy instructions in advance of a company meeting;
- update your address details or dividend payment instructions online;
- view an indicative valuation of your shareholding;
- view details of any Rathbones employee schemes you participate in;
- view a range of information and other practical help for shareholders; and,
- view and manage your current portfolio.
When registering for the Shareview service, you will need to provide details of:
- who you are, where you live and your Shareholder Unique Reference Number, which is shown on your dividend tax voucher and share certificate;
- your email address and chosen password;
- memorable information (which will be required if, for any reason, you need to request an ID reminder in future); and
- your profile choices i.e. how you wish to receive company communications.
You will be provided with your user ID at the end of this process and be able to login to the Shareview service straight away. You will also be sent an activation code by post which, when entered, will unlock all of the additional features that will help you manage your investments.
Please note that you need not activate your Shareview account if you do not wish to do so. Your e-communications preference will still be lodged with Equiniti, even if you choose never to activate or log in.
Shareholder Information
Share price information
General meetings
Share history
News and comments
Share fraud scam
Email alerts