Our environmental impact

At Rathbones, we recognise our responsibility to contribute to the transition and we are focused on measuring and reducing our operational footprint as well as that of our investment portfolios. It is our responsibly to understand how every cog in the Rathbones wheel is affecting the planet. For our clients, we have a responsibility to understand how climate change may impact our portfolios and what we can do to minimise the risks, be they physical or transitional. We believe that to deliver our best for our stakeholders we must, think, act and invest responsibly. One aspect of this is our 2021 commitment to achieve net zero emissions across the group by 2050 or sooner.

CDP Score

(2020: B-)

As a business we continued to support CDP (formerly the Carbon Disclosure Project), both as an investor and as a responding business. Our score of C reflected our lack of targets at the time. We were pleased to announce these in October 2021 and expect our 2022 score to reflect the progress we have made on both the measurement of our scope 3 emissions and our net zero alignment targets.

Given the scale of the problem, and the necessity for solutions to be global in scope, we believe in the power of collaborative engagements and are members of the IIGCC and the CA100+ coalition. 

We support the work of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and in 2021 produced a standalone document to support communication of our alignment to the elven recommendations. A summary is included in our 2021 annual report  and more detail in our standalone TCFD  report. Allied to the work being undertaken by our business to integrate environmental, social and governance data into our investment decisions and engagement process we have created a cross-functional team to oversee our approach. The responsible business committee has oversight of both our responsible investment programme and our environmental programme and supports their interaction as well as approving our TCFD, PRI and CDP disclosures.

For more information read our responsible business report and our group climate statement.

Looking forward

Following the outcomes of the climate talks in Glasgow, and the continued strengthening of commitments from governments and regulators supporting the transition to a net zero emissions economy, the need for business to understand and act with regard to our climate impact will continue to grow. The focus of our environmental programme in 2022 will be:

  • operationalisation of our net zero emissions plan, including the engagement of our suppliers
  • integration of Saunderson House into our data processes
  • expansion of our reporting on the financial implications of climate change to include a broaderclient population


1: Scope 1,2 and 3 as defined by the WRI GHG protocol