2018: the year ahead. Maybe?
Our head of multi-asset investments, David Coombs, gazes into his crystal ball as he prepares for 2018.
2 mins
The latest news and views from our professional adviser blog
Our head of multi-asset investments, David Coombs, gazes into his crystal ball as he prepares for 2018.
2 mins
Inflation breaching 3% has worried some investors, but overarching economic forces should keep prices relatively anchored, argues chief investment officer Julian Chillingworth.
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Taking some time off for a trip out East, our workaholic multi-asset assistant manager Will McIntosh-Whyte stumbles upon a gamers’ den.
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Globalisation has come a long way fast, and many of the factors driving local inflation are now global in nature. Where it goes from here is key factor in financial planning. Edward Smith, our head of asset allocation research, provides some insights.
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The popular view is that as populations age around the globe, the world will go the way of Japan – into deflation. But some things – like spending – don’t slow with age, and the opposite could happen, as our head of asset allocation research Edward Smith explains.
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Prices have gone up a lot over the years, eating into the value of your wealth – here Edward Smith, our head of asset allocation research, introduces our latest research report with a potted history of inflation.
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Wealth managers and fund houses have a lot on their plate due to MiFID II, James Goward, our head of sales support, sums up what we’re doing for clients.
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As the Bank of England raises interest rates for the first time in a decade, the baton of economic stimulus is being passed to the government. Fiscal policy will have to smooth the way for UK growth here on in, but Chief Investment Officer Julian Chillingworth wonders if the government can deliver.
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The bland commercialisation of Hallowe’en isn’t the only thing David Coombs is dreading: October is typically a terrible month for share markets. Still, our head of multi-asset investments has an instrument creepier than Freddy Krueger to keep the kids and market slumps at bay.
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Sterling is more capricious than a cat with a vendetta argues David Coombs, our sleep-deprived head of multi-asset investments.
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If you’re paying more than double the going rate for branded batteries, what else are you overpaying for? Head of multi-asset investments David Coombs asks: how long will those brands last before people realise and ditch them in droves?
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Rathbone Greenbank’s engagement manager Matt Crossman looks at the growing financial case, as well as the ethical reasons, for divesting from fossil fuels.
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The value of your investments and the income from them may go down as well as up, and you could get back less than you invested.